Karlie Kloss

Karlie Kloss
Karlie Kloss

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My New Diet: 2-4-6-8

Hello lovelies!

I have, unfortunately, FAILED at maintaining my ideal body weight of 116. It's not an easy thing to do! So, I've decided to start a new diet plan, because I've realized that I perform the best if I have a plan and an occasion that the plan is leading up to.

Diet: 2-4-6-8 (repeating four-day pattern, 200 calories the first day, then 400, etc, returning to 200 after the 800 day. I found this diet among other great ideas on this website: http://inedia.webs.com/diets.htm)

Occasion: My graduation from high school! (June 10. I'm going to be wearing a dress instead of a cap and gown, so I want to look stunning!)

Length: 25 days (I'm starting on Monday, May 16, and going until June 9, the day before I graduate)

Goal: I don't have a particular weight goal. I have never eaten this few amounts of calories for such an extended period of time, so I have no idea how much weight my body will lose. I've decided I do not want to go below 115, a BMI of 17.5. If I do, I will adjust my diet somehow (perhaps eliminating the 200/400 days?)

Opinions? I am open to any words of advice/suggestions/insight. Have any of you tried this diet before? What helps to keep you on track? Do any of you have a limit to how thin you want to be, or is thinner and thinner your goal? Just curious!

Enjoy the thinspo :) I was feeling some Kate Moss for today. You know she claims never having worked out a day in her life? This is all from NOT EATING!! Think thin!



p.s... if anyone wants to join me on this 25-day journey, just let me know! It would be fun to have a dieting buddy/buddies/group :)

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